Authors Instructions
To submit a full paper for consideration should adhere to the Springer proceedings paper format and have a length of 6-10 pages. All submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process, and those accepted will be published in the proceedings of the Asian MMS Conference 2024. The conference proceedings will be published as a part of the Springer Book Series "Mechanism and Machine Science" under the title "Advances in Asian Mechanism and Machine Science - Proceedings of the 7th IFToMM Asian Mechanism and Machine Science Conference 2024."

Upon acceptance of a paper, authors will have the choice between two publication agreements: the "Standard License to Publish Agreement" or "Open Choice (CC Attribution 4.0)." The Standard License does not require any additional publication fees, although the registration fee for AsianMMS2024 is still required. Alternatively, if authors opt for Open Choice, they will need to directly pay Springer an Open Access fee of EUR 2,170 (to be confirmed) in addition to the registration fee for AsianMMS2024.

To prepare your paper, please refer to the Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings. LaTeX Package and Word Template are available for your convenience. You should prepare a full paper with a length of 6-10 pages.

It is important to note that accepted full papers will be eligible for consideration for the prestigious best paper awards of IFToMM Asian MMS 2024.

Initial submission of full paper is due on 15th February 2024.
Please submit your for IFToMM Asian MMS 2024, please access the submission system on Springer Nature EquinOCS. Once selected, click on "Submit Now" to initiate the paper submission process. It is crucial to ensure the accuracy of metadata in the Full Paper submission system, such as the title and author list, as it will be included in the program.

When submitting your paper, please remember to select the appropriate category from the options provided: "Non-student Paper" or "Student Paper." If your submission falls under the category of a student paper, it will be eligible for consideration for the Best Student Paper Award. Make sure to indicate your selection accordingly during the submission process.

Final submission of full papers should be made by 25th May 2024. The acceptance notifications, along with the review comments, will be sent out by 15th March 2024. Please consider these comments when preparing the final version of your paper.
Submit the final version of your full paper through the submission system on on Springer Nature EquinOCS Please be sure to use the same account with which you submitted your full paper and click “Submit Final Version” to proceed. Refer to Section 6 of the official User Guide for Conference Proceeding Authors of EquinOCS.

As per the policy of IFToMM Asian MMS 2024, it is mandatory for at least one author of your full paper to complete the conference registration before the final submission deadline of 1st June 2024. Failure to do so will result in your full paper not being included in the conference program and the proceedings of IFToMM Asian MMS 2024. Please note that only authors who have paid any type of registration fee except for "Accompanying Person" are eligible to submit one final full paper. Additional submission fees will apply for a second submission or any submissions beyond the first one.

For more detailed information about registration, kindly visit the registration site.
Submission Guidelines (from 4th May 2024)
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

A corresponding author, submitting a paper, as a representative of the group of authors of the paper submitted, shall ensure the accuracy of all the information about the authors, no plagiarism, and proper presentation of all the borrowed data, i.e. in the form of text, tables, charts, illustrations, as well as guarantee that the said article has never been published and is not under consideration for publication in other journals.

The article shall be submitted in English, in Word format.

The uniqueness of a paper shall be at least 80%.

Authors are kindly requested to format an article submitted in the following order:

  • UDC on the left, in the upper corner.
  • Full name of the authors-initials and surname of the authors (A. I. Akhmetov) – font size – 12 points.
  • Place of work (National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan) – font size – 12 points.
  • Email addresses of authors – font size – 12 points.
  • Abstract in the language of the article not exceeding 150-300 words (two annotations in other languages should be placed at the end of the article), keywords (5-7 words) – font size – 11 points.
  • Article (no more than 8 pages) – font size – 12 points.
  • Bibliography (no more than 20 titles) – font size – 10 points (
  • Abstracts in two languages (authors' names, article title, abstract, keywords in the respective languages) – font size – 11 points.
  • Information about authors: name, academic title, position, place of work, city – font size – 12 points.

WORD Template (download)

Initial submission of full paper is due on 01st June 2024.
Please submit your for IFToMM Asian MMS 2024, please access the submission system on the Easy Chair. Once selected, click on "Make a New Submission" to initiate the paper submission process. It is crucial to ensure the accuracy of metadata in the Full Paper submission system, such as the title and author list, as it will be included in the program.

The acceptance notifications, along with the review comments, will be sent out by 20 June 2024. Final submission of full papers should be made by 15th July 2024. Please consider these comments when preparing the final version of your paper.
Submit the final version of your full paper through the submission system on the Easy Chair. Please be sure to use the same account with which you submitted your full paper and click “Submit Final Version” to proceed.

As per the policy of IFToMM Asian MMS 2024, it is mandatory for at least one author of your full paper to complete the conference registration before the final submission deadline of 1st July 2024. Failure to do so will result in your full paper not being included in the conference program and the proceedings of IFToMM Asian MMS 2024. Please note that only authors who have paid any type of registration fee except for "Accompanying Person" are eligible to submit one final full paper. Additional submission fees will apply for a second submission or any submissions beyond the first one.

For more detailed information about registration, kindly visit the registration site.
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